When America is Great
we stand up
for something greater than ourselves
When America is Great
people remember
the value of every human being
When American is Great
People and the Planet before Profit!
is our motto
When America is Great
humankind values quality of life
over quantity of things
When America is Great
compassion is an
ideal to work toward
not an idea to be scoffed
When America is Great
accountability is an
expectation of power
not an infringement of the entitled
When America is Great
the heart of the prophets
and the truth of the sacred
are acknowledged and honored
no matter what banner they fly under
When America is Great
we recognize we are not only
our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers,
we are them
Sometimes America is Great
And sometimes it’s not
There is no “going back to”
when America was…
America is
in how we live,
in when we love
and what we value
here, now
No counter clockwise-ing
no party
no parade
no allegiance
no spit-yelling slogans
to conjure greatness
that doesn’t live in the hearts
of a people
Greatness can grow
That’s not the question
but will we let it
. . .
Keeping the Dream
Photo by Anca Muresan on Unsplash