Every moment you breathe, that you live and bring your conscious mind to is sacred. Self awareness is a form of worship, not of oneself, but of Life of which you are a part and expression of. When you step into your awareness of Life you can’t help but see that you do not, can not stand alone. Ever.
In self awareness and reflection that is real, you recognize your connection to everybody and every thing. You see it. You feel it. It’s not something you figure out. It is.
We are one — the bullshit and the beauty. For all our flaws, we are still children of something miraculous. Whether of God or evolution of millions of years or both, we have an inherent value that gives us worth we don’t have to earn. It’s this truth that is Grace.
Sometimes I feel hair-pulling, vocal-chord-shredding rage at our cruelty and blind ignorance — the gleeful way we rush to destroy our planet for the benefit of a few who will only die with the rest of us; the way we memorize platitudes and discard their meanings; the way we find fault with differences but tolerate suffering.
But today, I will put all the things that need fixing, that beg addressing, aside. Just for a moment. And let myself be still and remember who I am and who we are.
Because to enter into this communion, and take it with you when you face the insanity, is the worship that truly honors the God, the Divine we claim to worship.
And I need this… this nurturing, this nourishing of the soul. Be present in the moment so you can be present in the world.
You are important. Take care of yourself.
~ Demian