Conversations on the Journey
Every person’s journey is different, from trauma to healing, from betrayal to finding a way to trust again. On days there were bus delays due to weather, my mother, sister and I used to sit in the early morning hours, and talk over hot tea–one of my few and cherished memories of us together.
Consider this an invitation for you to join me in our own tea and conversation, and explore not only the things that hurt us and the things that heal, but the hurting in our world and our hope for it.
Are you ready? Pull up a chair and make yourself comfortable. I’ll put the kettle on.
~ demian

[Edited June 10, to add that sweet Mason has arrived! This morning at 6:31 A.M. Welcome beautiful grandchild, welcome with so much love and joy <3 ] Transcription: This is Demian Yumei from, I dedicate this episode to someone whose arrival I am waiting with great anticipation. ~ ~ ~ I Promise For My […]

The wind is fierce Planted in the ground among the swaying my branches reach to sky and racing clouds and falling rain With sisters and brothers dancing ecstasy and reverence hair and leaf fingers and branches leaning back and forward side to side circling round erratic in sync The wet on my face not rain […]

As a Dreamer, I’m sometimes accused of being unrealistic. But I am realistic. I’m just not fatalistic. There’s a difference. Being realistic is seeing reality for what it is — both it’s limitations and it’s possibilities. Being fatalistic is seeing only the shadow and not the light. Somehow, being realistic has come to mean being […]
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